
Centuries of Healing Techniques

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The World Health Organization and many traditional Western doctors recognize acupuncture as a safe, effective, natural method for treating discomfort and disease.
Cupping at Acupuncture center in salem or


Cupping has been used to assist Olympic athletes, and it can be used by your Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner to support detox or provide pain relief.
Moxibustion at Acupuncture Center in Salem OR


Moxibustion is a warming technique utilizing an herb called mugwort to assist in stimulating specific acupuncture points, remove blockages, and soothe painful areas.

Centuries of Healing Techniques

Traditional Chinese Medicine has been used for thousands of years to benefit the health of patients with all kinds of health challenges. Take advantage of the years of knowledge gathered by Dr. Buckmaster here at the oldest acupuncture clinic in Oregon.
Visit Acupuncture Center today.

Traditional Medicine with Modern Techniques

Traditional Chinese Medicine has been used for thousands of years to benefit the health of patients with all kinds of health challenges. Take advantage of the years of knowledge gathered by Dr. Buckmaster here at the oldest acupuncture clinic in Oregon.
Visit Acupuncture Center today.


Descriptions of how acupuncture works can vary depending on to whom you are talking, but the general principle is simple. Acupuncture pinpoints specific areas for stimulation, then uses hair-thin needles to activate those locations, improving circulation, removing blockages, and releasing endorphins. Acupuncture can be used to improve health, prevent disease, alleviate pain, or assist in the healing process. Western medicine has begun to recognize the benefits of acupuncture, with doctors referring patients to acupuncturists and many insurers covering acupuncture.

Conditions Acupuncture Can Benefit Include:

  • Headache/Migraine
  • Neck/Back pain
  • High or low blood pressure
  • Conditions caused by nerve pain like sciatica
  • Pain in knees, elbows, shoulders, and other joints
  • Strains, sprains, bursitis, tendinitis, and other soft tissue injuries
  • Postoperative pain
  • Pregnancy or labor issues such as malposition of the fetus, morning sickness, or labor induction
  • Infertility or other gynecological difficulties
  • Gastrointestinal discomforts and diseases
  • Arthritis


Acupuncture has evolved over the centuries to a precise methodology. Today’s acupuncturists not only benefit from years of writings and teachings but from modern technology as well. Dr. Buckmaster uses sterile, stainless steel needles during acupuncture to ensure the safety and comfort of every patient. And, with almost 20 years of experience under his belt, he works with patients experiencing every kind of health difficulty. Discover how acupuncture can benefit you by making an appointment here at Acupuncture Center.


Cupping has been used since 3000 AD to remove toxins, improve blood flow, relieve pain, and assist in treatment. The process is simple, glass or bamboo jars are heated and then placed over specific points on the patient. The heat from the cup creates a seal, allowing the pressure generated to pull blood to the surface of the skin. This Traditional Chinese Medicine technique is usually described as relaxing and can be very beneficial to the overall healing process.

Cupping Benefits

  • Detoxification
  • Sore or damaged muscles
  • Inflammation
  • Relaxation
  • Pain relief
  • Lung issues like coughs, colds, emphysema, or asthma
  • Anxiety

Cupping Enthusiasts

You may have heard of cupping during the 2016 Olympics when athletes shared that they used cupping to give them an edge during the competition. This Chinese Medicine procedure is becoming more and more popular among athletes and celebrities. However, you don’t have to be in a health-focused career to benefit from Traditional Chinese Medicine. Contact Acupuncture Center to find out if cupping is the right solution to your health challenge.


Moxa or moxibustion is a method used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to protect against health concerns like cold or flu and to assist in the healing process. Moxa utilizes the healing power of an herb called mugwort that has been packed into a stick shape. The practitioner burns this stick and places it near specific acupuncture points to warm the area. Many patients feel a flood of warmth as blockages are released from the affected spot.

When We Use Moxibustion

  • There is a painful injury
  • Arthritis is flaring up
  • To assist with digestive difficulties or blockages
  • During gynecological or obstetric treatments
  • As a health boost during flu season
  • For patients who tend to “run cold”

Holistic Healthcare

Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners provide natural healthcare to people across the world. These and other traditional methods can be used to assist in relieving pain or discomfort, contribute to the healing process, or prevent disease. Find out how you can benefit from Dr. Buckmaster’s years of knowledge and experience. Contact Acupuncture Center today.